Kristof Bender

Podcast with Ivan Vejvoda about "new approaches towards EU enlargement", 28 June 2023.

in the media

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Albanian Post (Pristina), A paraqet fitorja e djathtistëve në Austri kërcënim për Kosovën? (Does the victory of the rightists in Austria pose a threat to Kosovo?), 1 October 2024

Дневник - Dnevnik (Sofia), Избори може да превърнат Австрия в "сварена жаба" или изцяло да вкарат България в Шенген (Elections may turn Austria into a "boiled frog" or bring Bulgaria into Schengen altogether), 26 September 2024

Albanian Post (Pristina), Litiumi dhe "Rafale"-t mund të vulosin "heshtjen evropiane" ndaj Serbisë (Lithium and "Rafale" can seal the "European silence" towards Serbia), 29 August 2024

Strategic Balkans Monthly Journal / NATO Defense College Foundation (Rome), The Insight Angle - Kristof Bender, interview, 12 July 2024

20 Minuten (Zurich), Asylverfahren im Ausland: Pro und Contra: Braucht es eine Drittstaatenlösung? (Asylum procedures abroad: Pros and cons: Is a third country solution necessary?), interview, 29 June 2024

20 Minuten (Zurich), Asyldebatte: Schnellverfahren, Drittstaaten: Was tun gegen illegale Migration? (Asylum debate: Fast-track procedures, third countries: What can be done to combat illegal migration?), 28 June 2024

20 Minuten (Zurich), Marodes Asylsystem: "Ohne Drittstaatenlösung wird Europas Asylpolitik scheitern" (Ailing asylum system: "Without a third-country solution, Europe’s asylum policy will fail"), interview, 26 June 2024

Iasi TV Life (Iasi), Iasul, poll de business (Iasi, business poll), 24 June 2024

Albanian Post (Pristina), Ballkani Perëndimor në ankth nga huliganët e futbollit ndërsa fantazma e nacionalizmit agresiv serb rikthehet në Euro 2024 (Western Balkans in distress from football hooligans as the specter of aggressive Serbian nationalism returns at Euro 2024), 19 June 2024

Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC) (London), Student Journalism Project: Rwanda-Style Deportation Schemes Are Unworkable, 13 June 2024

Europe's Futures (Vienna), An Open Letter to Our Fellow Europeans, co-signed open letter, 6 June 2024

Okto TV (Vienna), Oktoscout: Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence, 29 May 2024

Balkan Investigative Reporting Network - BIRN (Belgrade), Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence – Winners Chosen, 24 May 2024

International Institute for Peace – IIP (Vienna), Enlargement for Peace? Kristof Bender & Milena Mihajlovic, IIP podcast Peace Matters, episode 19, 16 May 2024

Stuggi.TV (Stuttgart), Wissenschaftler widersprechen Nopper beim Thema Seenotrettung (Scientists disagree with Nopper on the subject of sea rescue), 12 April 2024

Seznam Zprávy (Prague), Žadatelů o azyl je stále víc. EU zpátky jen tak někoho nepošle, říká expert (There are more and more asylum seekers. The EU can't just send someone back, expert says), interview, 3 March 2024

La via libera (Torino), Elezioni, occasione per ripensare l'Unione europea (Elections, an opportunity to rethink the European Union), 29 February 2024

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - bpb (Bonn), EU-Osterweiterung, die Zweite? Chancen und Risiken einer neuen EU-Osterweiterung (EU eastern enlargement, the second? Opportunities and risks of a new EU eastward expansion), essay, 21 February 2024

Независен Весник - Nezavisen Vesnik (Skopje), Македонија го заслужи отворањето на 23 поглавја: Интервју со Кристоф Бендер (Macedonia deserves the opening of 23 chapters: interview with Kristof Bender), 14 November 2023

Eurozine (Vienna), EU enlargement: A new approach, essay, 4 October 2023

Независен Весник - Nezavisen Vesnik (Skopje), ЕУ нема друг избор освен да се прошири. Секоја поранешна комунистичка земја која беше примена во ЕУ е жив споменик на нејзината трансформативна моќ (The EU has no choice but to expand. Every former communist country that has been admitted to the EU is a living monument to its transformative power), essay, 19 September 2023

IWM Europe's Futures (Vienna), EU Enlargement and Europe’s Future. How to Revive One of the EU’s Most Successful Policies, essay, 14 September 2023

Vienna coffeehouse conversations with Ivan Vejvoda (Vienna), New Approaches to EU Enlargement with Kristof Bender, podcast, 28 June 2023

Balkan Investigative Reporting Network - BIRN (Belgrade), Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence – Winners Chosen, 2 June 2023

Der Falter (Vienna), Im Schatten des Krieges (In the shadow of the war), op-ed, 30 May 2023

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