Podcast with Ivan Vejvoda about "new approaches towards EU enlargement", 28 June 2023.
in the media
The Nation (New York City), Why Ethnic Nationalism Still Rules Bosnia, and Why It Could Get Worse, 12 October 2018
Pravda (Bratislava), Zastavit'a rozdelit'. Má únia recept na migráciu? (Stop dividing. Does the Union have a recipe for migration?), 30 June 2018
Pravda (Bratislava), Migrácia zatienila summit Európskej únie (Migration overshadows EU summit), 28 June 2018
Matisak's Blog - A Stamp on the World (Bratislava), EU and migration: Is it an acute problem?, 27 June 2018
Bulgarian National Radio (Sofia), Кристоф Бендер: Притокът на мигранти през Балканите е поносим, но риск от нова криза има (Kristof Bender: The migrant flow through the Balkans is manageable, but the risk is still there), radio interview, 16 June 2018
RFE - Radio Free Europe (Prague), Bender: Zapadni Balkan mora pridobiti skeptike u EU (Bender: The Western Balkans need to convince sceptics in the EU), interview, 18 May 2018
European Western Balkans (Belgrade), Bender: EU needs to clearly define accession criteria on rule of law, interview, 25 April 2018
ekonomia online (Pristina), Bender: Kosova s’ka perspektivë zgjerimi, pesë anëtare të BE-së nuk e kanë njohur (Bender: Kosovo has no prospect of accession, five EU members have not recognised it), 25 April 2018
Bloomberg TV Bulgaria (Sofia), Базисните принципи на споразумението Брюксел-Анкара за мигрантите не се спазват - говори Кристоф Бендер (Basic principles of the Brussels-Ankara agreeement on refugees are not implememented - says Kristof Bender), tv interview, 27 March 2018
Balkan Insight (Belgrade), EU Set to Ignore Turkey's Rights Record in Varna, 26 March 2018
Bulgarian National Radio (Sofia), Кристоф Бендер: Споразумението за бежанците между ЕС и Турция работи, защото и двете страни имат изгода (Kristof Bender: The agreement on refugees between the EU and Turkey works, because both sides have an interest), radio interview, 24 March 2018
ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (Dornbirn), Kristof Bender in den "Ansichten" (Kristof Bender in "views"), radio portrait, 7 January 2018
BIRN - Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (Belgrade), Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence – 2017 winners chosen!, 11 December 2017
RFE - Radio Free Europe (Prague), Bender: Mnogo posla iza Haškog tribunala (Bender: A lot of work behind the Hague Tribunal), interview, 1 December 2017
Welt (Berlin), Die Migranten, die nirgends mehr willkommen sind (The migrants who are no longer welcome anywhere), 17 August 2017
Pravda (Bratislava), Migrácia? EÚ stále hľadá zhodu (Migration? The EU is still looking for an agreement), 28 July 2017
Südwind Magazin (Vienna), Sackgasse mit Stacheldraht (Dead end with barbed wire), 1 July 2017
Welt (Berlin), Der unbekannte Grenzstreit mitten in der EU (The unknown border dispute in the middle of the EU), 29 June 2017
Alsat - 360 Stepeni (Skopje), Дали лобистот Валтер бил клучен за изборот на баџанакот на Мијалков за судија во Стразбур? (Was the lobbyist Walter key to the election of Mijalkov's brother-in-law as a judge in Strasbourg?), minute 6:45 - 8:39, 27 June 2017
Falter (Vienna), Verhandlungen abbrechen? Nein! Warum ein Ende der EU-Beitritt sverhandlungen mit der Türkei weder der EU, noch türkischen Demokraten nützt (Break off negotiations? No! Why an end to the EU accession negotiations with Turkey will benefit neither the EU nor Turkish democrats), op-ed, 24 May 2017
RFE - Radio Free Europe (Prague), Bender: EU i problem kredibiliteta na Zapadnom Balkanu (Bender: EU and the problem of credibility in the Western Balkans), interview, 24 May 2017
Reuters (London), Past repackaged: EU plan for Balkan market faces resistance, 17 April 2017
B92 (Belgrade), Evropa se obrušila na Kurca zbog podrške VMRO-DPMNE (Europe attacks Kurz because of his support for VMRO-DPMNE), 29 November 2016
Balkan Insight (Belgrade), Austrian FM Defends Decision to Back Macedonia Ruling Party, 28 November 2016
Lidovky.cz (Prague), Uprchlické tábory mimo EU? Teoreticky výborný nápad, ale nejde to, říká Bender Zdroj (Refugee camps outside the EU? A great idea in theory, but it doesn't work, says Bender), interview, 22 October 2016