Podcast with Ivan Vejvoda about "new approaches towards EU enlargement", 28 June 2023.
in the media
Falter (Vienna), Einst geächtet, heute geachtet? (Once shunned, now respected?), essay, 11 April 2012
Café Europe (Berlin), From renegade to president. Stipe Mesic and Croatia after Tudjman, essay, with Snjezana Vukic, 1 February 2012
Café Europe (Berlin), Building a working consensus. Vesna Pusic and Croatia on the way to the EU, essay, 20 January 2012
Café Europe (Berlin), Finishing the Romanian revolution. Monica Macovei and the fight against corruption, essay, 22 December 2010
Café Europe (Berlin), Small Montenegro's big project. Gordana Djurovic and the EU questionnaire, essay, 30 July 2010
Café Europe (Berlin), The EU as a cohesive glue. Radmila Sekerinska and Macedonia’s membership application, essay, 28 July 2010
Café Europe (Berlin), Reviving multi-cultural values. Borjan Jovanovski's "open window towards Europe", essay, 27 July 2010
Hospodářské noviny (Prague), Gerald Knaus, Kristof Bender: Nebojme se rozšíření Evropské unie (Gerald Knaus, Kristof Bender: We are not afraid of the enlargement of the European Union), op-ed, with Gerald Knaus, 20 July 2010
Nepszabadsag (Budapest), Bővítési válság az unióban (Enlargement crisis in the Union), op-ed, with Gerald Knaus, 19 July 2010
SME (Bratislava), V únii prevládla ustráchanost' (Fearfulness prevails in the EU), op-ed, with Gerald Knaus, 18 July 2010
The Economist (London), Headache avoided, hurdles ahead. The road to EU accession will be long and arduous for the ex-Yugoslav states, 7 June 2010
Balkan Insight (Belgrade), High Noon in Slovenia - A Referendum and the Future of Balkan Enlargement, op-ed, with Gerald Knaus, 4 June 2010
Café Europe (Berlin), Negotiations as a schedule for reforms. Silvana Lyubenova and the free movement of goods, essay, 19 January 2010
Café Europe (Berlin), Marathon man. Mikulas Dzurinda and Slovakia's race to catch up, essay, with Milan Nic, 4 January 2010
Turkey Policy Quarterly, now Transatlantic Policy Quarterly (Istanbul), Bulgaria's quest to meet the environmental acquit: a case study of the transformative power of the EU, essay, 5 September 2009
Café Europe (Berlin), Slovakia's crucial moment. Martin Simecka and his view of 1998, essay, with Milan Nic, 24 August 2009
Café Europe (Berlin), Breaching Bulgaria's Schengen Wall. Nadezhda Mihaylova and visa-free travel, essay, 19 February 2009
Café Europe (Berlin), "EU membership within ten years". Ivan Kostov and Bulgaria's turning point, essay, 19 February 2009
The Economist (London), All at sea. The troubles of European integration, 10 April 2008
Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding (London), The Worst in Class: How the International Protectorate. Hurts the European Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina, essay with Gerald Knaus, Volume 1, special supplement, 1 December 2007
New York Times (New York), EU sending bad news to western Balkans, 16 May 2006
RFE - Radio Free Europe (Prague), Iza scene: u EU razmatraju novı aranžman u slučaju da 21. Maja ne bude pređen prag od 55 odsto (Behind the scenes: the EU is considering a new arrangement in case the 55 percent threshold is not exceeded on May 21), 13 May 2006
Vijesti (Podgorica), Savez država u sivoj zoni (Union of states in the gray zone), 5 May 2006
Monitor (Podgorica), Najgore su nejasne situacije (Unclear situations are the worst), interview, 3 March 2006
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Ivan Krastev (ed.), Nationalism after communism : lessons learned (Budapest, New York), The Political Economy of Interethnic Relations. Ahmeti's Village or the Macedonian Case , essay/book chapter with Marcus Cox and Gerald Knaus, 30 June 2004