Kristof Bender

Podcast with Ivan Vejvoda about "new approaches towards EU enlargement", 28 June 2023.

in the media

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KlanKosova (Pristina), Gerald Knaus and Kristof Bender: 47 shtete përsëri në Këshill të Evropës? Rusia del, Kosova futet! (47 countries back in the Council of Europe? Russia leaves, Kosovo enters), 16 May 2022

Albanian Post (Pristina), Bender e Rohac flasin për Albanian Post: Çfarë do të ndodhë pas takimeve të Scholz me Kurtin e Vuçiç-in? (Bender and Rohac talk to Albanian Post: What will happen after Scholz's meetings with Kurti and Vucic?), 4 May 2022

Albanian Post (Pristina), Vizita e Karl Nehammer në Kosovë – Kristof Bender për AP: Retorika sterile të lihet anash, duhet konkretizim (Karl Nehammer's visit to Kosovo – Kristof Bender for AP: Sterile rhetoric to be put aside, concretization needed), 18 March 2022

Albanian Post (Pristina), Kristof Bender për Albanian Post: Kosova të anëtarësohet në Këshillin e Evropës, kurrë s’ka qenë më e lehtë (Kristof Bender for Albanian Post: Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe has never been easier), interview, 10 March 2022

Dnevnik (Sofia), Кристоф Бендер: Квотите за разпределяне на мигранти бяха грешка (Kristof Bender: Allocation quotas were a mistake), interview, 2 December 2021

Vijesti (Podgorica), Samo uz dramatične promjene do EU (Only with dramatic changes to the EU), interview, 22 November 2021

Die Furche (Vienna), Wiens little "Great Game" (Vienna's little "Great Game"), 2 September 2021

The Economist (London), Six Balkan nations keep trying to join the European Union, 14 August 2021

Falter (Vienna), 70 Jahre Asylrecht: Was jetzt zu tun ist (70 years of asylum law: what to do now), op-ed, 4 August 2021

Pravda (Bratislava), Viedeň posiela na hranice vojakov. Prídu Afganci? (Vienna sends troops to the border. Will the Afghans come?), 27 July 2021

Bulgarian National Radio (Sofia), Кристоф Бендер: Европа трябва да сключи мигрантска сделка с Тунис от "турски” тип (Kristof Bender: EU should aim for a ’Turkish’ type migrant deal with Tunisia), radio interview, 5 June 2021

Dnevnik (Ljubljana), Ostri bosanski odzivi na objavljeni non-paper o ponovnem risanju meja na Balkanu (Sharp Bosnian reactions to the published non-paper on redrawing borders in the Balkans), 15 April 2021

Dnevnik (Ljubljana), Dvakratni pok med Sarajevom in Ljubljano (Double bang between Sarajevo and Ljubljana), 13 April 2021

Seznam Zprávy (Prague), Bez dohod s Tureckem a Afrikou migranty EU domů nevrátí, říká expert (Without agreements with Turkey and Africa, EU migrants will not return home, says expert), interview, 25 September 2020

Express (Zagreb), Za ovim stolom u Bijeloj kući Vučić misli da bi mu Trump mogao spasiti Kosovo (At this table in the White House, Vučić thinks that Trump could save Kosovo for him), 26 June 2020

Jutarnji List (Zagreb), Šok u pozadini munjevitog manevra: Kako je propao srpsko-albanski summit u Bijeloj kući (Shock in the background of a lightning maneuver: How the Serbian-Albanian summit in the White House failed), 25 June 2020

Deutsche Welle (Bonn), Ništa od sastanka u Vašingtonu (Nothing from the meeting in Washington), 25 June 2020

ORF - Report (Vienna), Angespannte Lage an griechisch-türkischer Grenze (Tense situation at Greek-Turkish border), news magazine "Report", minute 22:07 - 30:50, 10 March 2020

Barfuss (Meran), Griechisches Flüchtlingsdrama: Was kommt als nächstes? (Greek refugee drama: What is next?), interview, 9 March 2020

MRT ДЕБАТА (Skopje), МИГРАЦИИ И БЕЗБЕДНОСТ - Ризик од продолжување на мигрантската криза, Југоисточна Европа може да стане камп за мигрантите (Debate: Migration and security - Risk of continuing migrant crisis, Southeast Europe may become migrant camp), 9 March 2020

Dagens ETC (Stockholm), Orbáns flyktingpolitik håller på att segra i unionen (Orbán's refugee policy is winning in the Union), 9 March 2020

chrismon (Frankfurt), EU-Türkei-Deal am Ende. Was nun? Wankendes Grundrecht (EU-Turkey-Deal before end. What now? Swaying fundamental rights), interview, 9 March 2020

Telma (Skopje), Опасни времиња идат поради мигрантскиот пат кон запад, решение е помош за Сиријците избегани во Турција (Dangerous times because of migration route towards West, solution is assistance for Syrian refugees in Turkey), 9 March 2020

MRT - Дневник 1 (Skopje), Дебата на мигрантската криза (Debate on migration crisis), daily news programme, minute 26:06 - 28:35, 9 March 2020

FM4 (Vienna), Wir brauchen ein EU-Türkei-Abkommen 2.0 (We need an EU-Turkey deal 2.0), interview, 4 March 2020

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