Kristof Bender

Podcast with Ivan Vejvoda about "new approaches towards EU enlargement", 28 June 2023.

in the media

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Albanian Post (Pristina), Vonesa e pa ndodhur kurrë më parë – Kosovës ia lidhën rrugëtimin në KiE me Asociacionin (The delay that never happened before - Kosovo’s journey to Council of Europe connected with the association), 25 April 2023

Tipping Point (Vienna), Der Westbalkan, die Ukraine und die EU (The Western Balkans, Ukraine and the EU), essay, 16 March 2023

Tipping Point (Vienna), The Western Balkans, Ukraine and the EU, essay, 16 March 2023

Mediapool (Sofia), Кристоф Бендер: Нереалистично е България да построи по-ефективна ограда с Турция (Kristof Bender: It is unrealistic for Bulgaria to build a more effective fence with Turkey), interview, 11 March 2023

ORF - Europajournal (Vienna), Kosovo-Serbien, Türkei, Polen, Georgien (Kosovo-Serbia, Turkey, Poland, Georgia), radio interview, 3 March 2023

Die Furche (Vienna), Kristof Bender: "Es braucht einen Klub der Demokraten" (Kristof Bender: "A club of democracies is needed"), podcast, 2 January 2023

Die Furche (Vienna), Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft: Was 2023 zu tun ist (Politics, economy, society: what has to be done in 2023), podcast, 30 December 2022

IWM Post (Vienna), Der Westbalkan, die Ukraine und die EU: Zwei Vorschläge (The Western Balkans, Ukraine and the EU: two proposals), essay, 1 December 2022

Transitions Online (Prague), European Union, Kosovo: Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on the EU’s Door, 22 November 2022

EuroEFE Euractiv (Brussels), La ruta migratoria de los Balcanes vuelve a máximos no vistos desde 2015 (The Balkan migration route returns to highs not seen since 2015), 29 October 2022

MSN (Madrid), La ruta migratoria de los Balcanes vuelve a máximos no vistos desde 2015 (The Balkan migration route returns to highs not seen since 2015), 26 October 2022

Fjala (Tirana), Cilat janë kërkesat e reja për liberalizimin e vizave? (What are the new requirements for visa liberalization?), 15 October 2022

Radio Free Europe (Prague), Bender: Sistemi ETIAS, justifikim për vonimin e liberalizimit të vizave (Bender: ETIAS system, justification for delaying visa liberalization), 14 October 2022

Bota Sot (Pristina), Bosch: Nëse kërkesat për viza janë të vërteta, atëherë turp për Francën që synon kryesinë e BE-së (Bosch: If the visa requirements are true, then shame on France for the EU presidency), 14 October 2022 (Tirana), Kristof Bender: Sistemi ETIAS, justifikim për vonimin e liberalizimit të vizave (Kristof Bender: ETIAS system, justification for delaying visa liberalization), 14 October 2022

Informer (Belgrade), Kako je Priština "pukla" u Strazburu! Saveznici okrenuli leđa 'Kosovu' u Savetu Evrope (How Pristina "broke" in Strasbourg! Allies turned their backs on "Kosovo" in the Council of Europe), 9 October 2022

Albanian Post (Pristina), A ka dështuar anëtarësimi i Kosovës në Këshillin e Evropës? (Has Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe failed?), 7 October 2022

Visegrad Insight (Warsaw), FAQ — What Difference Can the European Political Community Make?, 6 October 2022

A2 (Tirana), Izolimi i madh (Big isolation), documentary, with English subtitles, 13 September 2022

MKD (Skopje), Каде е компромисот, каде е билатералниот протокол? Бендер со критика до германскиот канцелар за францускиот предлог (Where is the compromise, where is the bilateral protocol? Bender criticized the German Chancellor for the French proposal), 11 July 2022

Der Falter (Vienna), Der Frust ist groß (The frustration is big), op-ed, 28 June 2022

Albanian Post (Pristina), Përkushtimi gjerman, Scholz sot në Kosovë (German committment, Scholz in Kosovo today), 10 June 2022

Balkan Investigative Reporting Network - BIRN (Belgrade), Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence — Winners Chosen, 20 May 2022

Gazeta Expres (Pristina), Think tank’u europian lobon fuqishëm për pranimin e Kosovës në Këshill të Europës (A European think tank strongly lobbies for Kosovo's accession to the Council of Europe), 16 May 2022

Telegrafi (Pristina), Nisma Evropiane për Stabilitet kërkon që KiE ta pranojë Kosovën në vendin e Rusisë (The European Stability Initiative demands that the CoE recognize Kosovo in place of Russia), 16 May 2022

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