Podcast with Ivan Vejvoda about "new approaches towards EU enlargement", 28 June 2023.
in the media
chrismon (Frankfurt), EU-Türkei-Deal am Ende. Was nun? Wankendes Grundrecht (EU-Turkey-Deal before end. What now? Swaying fundamental rights), interview, 9 March 2020
Telma (Skopje), Опасни времиња идат поради мигрантскиот пат кон запад, решение е помош за Сиријците избегани во Турција (Dangerous times because of migration route towards West, solution is assistance for Syrian refugees in Turkey), 9 March 2020
MRT - Дневник 1 (Skopje), Дебата на мигрантската криза (Debate on migration crisis), daily news programme, minute 26:06 - 28:35, 9 March 2020
FM4 (Vienna), Wir brauchen ein EU-Türkei-Abkommen 2.0 (We need an EU-Turkey deal 2.0), interview, 4 March 2020
Monitor (Podgorica), Mijenjati sebe (Change yourself), interview, 14 February 2020
Balkan Insight (Belgrade), EU Has Turned Enlargement into a Hamster Wheel, op-ed, with Adnan Cerimagic and Gerald Knaus, 21 January 2020
Reporter.al (Tirana), BE-ja e ka shndërruar zgjerimin në një proces që s’përfundon kurrë (The EU has turned enlargement into a process that never ends), op-ed, with Adnan Cerimagic and Gerald Knaus, 21 January 2020
European Western Balkans (Belgrade), The Game of Envoys: Are the EU and the US taking the Western Balkans more seriously?, 8 November 2019
Der Standard (Vienna), Der Europarat hat vor Russland kapituliert (The Council of Europe capitulated to Russia), op-ed, 2 July 2019
Erste Stiftung - Standpunkte (Vienna), Schöne Träume. Die EU kann Reformkräfte am Balkan stärken, indem sie ihr Wort hält (Beautiful dreams. The EU can strengthen Balkan reformers by just keeping its word), op-ed, 17 June 2019
Open Democracy (London), The EU can strengthen Balkan reformers just by keeping its word, op-ed, 15 June 2019
BIRN - Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (Belgrade), BIRN reporting democracy project warns freedom is in peril, 31 May 2019
Talas (Belgrade), Odbrana demokratije u vremenu straha – BIRN lansirao platformu o stanju demokratije u Evropi (Defending democrady in the time of fear - BIRN launched platform on the status of democracy in Europe), 19 May 2019
RFE - Radio Free Europe (Prague), Da li će Merkel 'sahraniti' ideju o razmeni teritorija? (Will Merkel 'bury' the idea of exchange of territory?), 25 April 2019
Balkan Insight (Belgrade), Facing Elections, EU Puts Balkans on Backburner, 11 April 2019
Eastern Focus (Bucharest), Time to learn from what has worked, essay, 6 April 2019
TRT World (Istanbul), Could the street protests in Serbia threaten the Vucic government?, 19 January 2019
BIRN - Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (Belgrade), Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence 2018 — Winners Chosen!, 14 December 2018
Info.cz (Prague), 'Strašný signál vůči světu.' Expert zkritizoval země EU včetně Česka za odmítnutí migračního paktu (A terrible signal to the world.' Expert criticized EU countries including the Czech Republic for rejecting the migration pact), 10 December 2018
Balkan Plus (Prizren), Kosovo i Srbija: Kako sa mrtve tačke? (Kosovo and Serbia: How to escape the dead end?), 4 December 2018
KoSSev (Mitrovica), Što pre skinemo ideju razmene teritorija sa stola, bolje po kosovske Srbe (The earlier we get the idea of territorial exchange off the table, the better for Kosovo Serbs), 3 December 2018
RFE - Radio Free Europe (Prague), Kosovo i Srbija: Kako sa mrtve tačke? (Kosovo and Serbia: How to escape the dead end?), 3 December 2018
RFE - Radio Free Europe (Prague), Udar kosovskih tarifa na briselski dijalog (Kosovar tariffs blow on Brussels dialogue), 22 November 2018
Pravda (Bratislava), Únia zatvára dvere pred hrozbami (The Union closes the door against threats), 18 October 2018
Matisak's Blog - A Stamp on the World (Bratislava), What has changed in the EU migration debate?, 17 October 2018