Podcast with Ivan Vejvoda about "new approaches towards EU enlargement", 28 June 2023.
in the media
B92 (Belgrade), Evropa se obrušila na Kurca zbog podrške VMRO-DPMNE (Europe attacks Kurz because of his support for VMRO-DPMNE), 29 November 2016
Balkan Insight (Belgrade), Austrian FM Defends Decision to Back Macedonia Ruling Party, 28 November 2016
Lidovky.cz (Prague), Uprchlické tábory mimo EU? Teoreticky výborný nápad, ale nejde to, říká Bender Zdroj (Refugee camps outside the EU? A great idea in theory, but it doesn't work, says Bender), interview, 22 October 2016
Alsat (Skopje), Посетата на Хан пред распуштањето на Собранието (Hahn's visit before the dissolution of parliament), TV interview, 17 October 2016
TV Vesti (Skopje), Бендер: Ситуацијата во Македонија ќе беше поинаква ако имаше датум за преговори (Bender: Situation in Macedonia would be different if there was a date for negotiations), TV interview, 12 October 2016
TV 21 (Skopje), УНИЈАТА НЕ Е КОМПЛЕТНА БЕЗ ЈУГОИСТОЧНА ЕВРОПА – ПОЛИТИЧКАТА КРИЗА ЈА ЗАГРОЗУВА ПРЕПОРАКАТА?! (The Union is not complete without SEE - Political crisis threatens recommendation), TV interview, 12 October 2016
Utrinski Vesnik (Skopje), НИКОЛА ДИМИТРОВ СЕ ВРАЌА ВО ПОЛИТИКАТА (Nikola Dimitrov returns to politics), 12 October 2016
Der Standard (Vienna), Asyl: Verführerisches Braunschweig. Wenn man in Montenegro lebt und keine Zukunftsaussichten hat, ist Deutschland unwiderstehlich (Asylum: Tempting Braunschweig. If one lives in Montenegro without prospects for the future, Germany is irresistible), essay, with Bilsana Bibic, 7 February 2016
ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (Vienna), ZiB Magazin: Abschiebung von Flüchtlingen in die Türkei (ZiB magazine: deportation of refugees to Turkey), 29 January 2016
Capital (Sofia), В ъгъла на Европа, в окото на кризата (In the corner of Europe, in the eye of the crisis), 4 September 2015
Judy Dempsey's Strategic Europe (Brussels), Judy Asks: Is the EU Sleeping on the Western Balkans?, 13 May 2015
Café Europe (Berlin), Transition and happiness. A Bulgarian paradox?, essay, with Gerald Knaus, 1 December 2014
Osservatorio balcani e caucaso (Trento), Dalla Scozia ai Balcani (From Scotland to the Balkans), 18 September 2014
Le Courrier des Balkans (Paris), Les Balkans et la « contagion indépendantiste » : après le Kosovo, l’Écosse ? (The Balkans and the "indeptendentist contagion": after Kosovo, Scotland?), 18 September 2014
RTS - Radio Televizija Srbije (Belgrade), Zašto škotski referendum brine Balkan (Why the Scottish referendum worries the Balkans), 13 September 2014
Glas Srpske (Banja Luka), Kako će Škoti uticati na Balkan? (How will the Scots influence the Balkans?), 13 September 2014
Café Europe (Berlin), Timisoara 2.0 - A story of industrial transformation, essay, 23 May 2014
Osservatorio balcani e caucaso (Trento), ESI: lettera aperta a 125 membri ed ex membri dell'Assemblea del CoE (ESI: open letter to 125 members and former members of the CoE Assembly), open letter, 29 April 2014
Vijesti (Podgorica), EU će tražiti da se sudi i političarima (The EU will demand that politicians be tried as well), interview, 14 October 2013
Mats Berdal and Dominik Zaum (eds.), Political Economy of Statebuilding. Power after peace (London), How the EU and the US Stopped a War and Nobody Noticed: The Containment of the Macedonian Conflict and EU Soft Power, essay/book chapter, 30 June 2013
Novi List (Rijeka), Od društva uništenog ratom do europske demokracije (From a society destroyed by war to European democracy), op-ed, 29 June 2013
Falter (Vienna), Dobrodošla, Kroatien! Eine Erfolgsstory (Dobrodošla, Croatia! A success story), op-ed, 26 June 2013
Café Europe (Berlin), Ending the age of heroes. Ivo Sanader and the battle for a European Croatia, essay, 4 April 2013
IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2012 (Barcelona), EU Enlargement in South Eastern Europe: Two Recent Success Stories and Their Implications, essay, 30 June 2012
Café Europe (Berlin), The EU as a chance for Croatia's Serbs. Milorad Pupovac and political change, essay, with Snjezana Vukic, 10 May 2012